0. I wake up to find Lily is pressed against my back. I turn over and cuddle her until we both fall asleep again.

1. I hear his meow mixed in with the music. He jumps on our desks to say hello then onto the counter at the side, where he instantly stretches out as if it is the most obvious, usual and comfortable place to sit in the whole room.

2. We stand at the junction of the two roads looking up at the cloud streaked sky. High above us, birds circle and swoop in perfect timing with R’s narration. They twist and barrel roll fall as if they’re scattering in chaos but then on a silent beat regain control and regroup. We watch and coo until Lily is bored enough to lie down and go to sleep.

3. After a friend points out how peculiar it is that we call them ‘pineapples’, I’m grabbed by a misspelling of it elsewhere: “pineallpe”.

4. Strange bats at my crochet hook with open, flat paws. Her eyes are wide and her mouth slightly open in transfixed awe of this floating play thing.