
3BT – miiiiiilk?, how/perfect/thanks gravity, demanding/thump

1. Kaufman cries the most pitiful mew as I carry the milk over to my cereal – where I am going with his favourite wonder elixir when his saucer is right here? His sister joins him and they cry out together. Their eyes follow the bottle and their tiny teeth stand out against their pink tongue: little spikes as white as the milk.

2. The mum shows her small daughter a picture on her phone: “this is you when you were in my belly.” The girl is still a little too little to properly understand. The mum goes on: “you ate and slept in there until you were big enough to come out.” By the look on the girl’s face, she is clearly wondering how her bed fit in her mum’s tummy.

2b. I roll out a piece of terracotta clay. Rolling out usually annoys me – either the piece doesn’t form the right shape, or it is bubbly, bumpy or cracks – but this time, it forms a perfect even oval.

2c. The piece has come together better and quicker than I thought but then it tips over as I’m trying to put it away. “Thanks gravity,” I mutter under my breath. But as I hold the damaged pieces in my hands, I realise how to not only fix it but make it much better.

3. Kaufman stomps over and sticks his head in John’s face.

3b. Lily is too old to make a song and dance when she wants something – she now just thumps her tail on the floor.

3BT – worry/return, parmesan, stretch, knot

1. I worry my teeth have got more sensitive. I worry that I’ve had an unusual spate of ulcers recently. I worry my enamel erosion has got worse. I worry that my decades of overeating sugar have crept up on me and I’ll need to have my first filling. Then the dentist tells me my teeth are perfect – the erosion hasn’t got any worse and there are no signs whatsoever of decay. Phew.

1b. Our dentist is in our old neighbourhood – just off the local high street. I had forgotten what a busy little hub it is. It is now, as it was when we lived there, rundown and most of its shops are of the betting, charity or pawn variety – but there are gems amongst the rough: the good butchers, the best hairdressers I’ve ever been to, and the bakery with renowned pork pies. We don’t stay to play but our quick visit makes me miss living there, just a little bit.

2. The dish is tasty – light and fresh – and we’re tempted to hold off on the parmesan in case it clashes — but it doesn’t: it provides another dimension and makes it come alive.

3. Kaufman stands on his back legs to reach the taunting treat in my hand. I think he’s decided to be a long cat so it is easier to reach them.

4. My favourite thing about having long hair is being able to tie it in a knot when I’m bored with it being in my face.

3BT – fake/flies, nanimals, support

1. The cloud is starkly white against the soft blue sky, and its puffs and rolls are so clearly defined that they look unreal. I call John into the kitchen for him to see it but after a moment he leaves again, saying he doesn’t like it: it looks disturbingly fake.

1b. Lily stands, tail wagging, as soon as I pick up the fly swatter: she knows there will be toasted flies to hunt soon. John tells me that she gets cross when they land over the sink or counters.

2. Strange’s super soft belly. The smile on sleeping Lily’s lips. Kaufman’s purr as he’s being brushed. Tilda, specifically kissing her head after I turn on the light, on my to-do list.

3. A supportive bra.

3BT – warm, crispy, lovely, silly

0. To cuddle into John’s warm body.

1. Crispy streaky bacon.

2. Walking back from the restaurant as an elongated group. It’s nearly ten but the sun is still bright and the fields are green after the torrential rain of the day. It feels special, I feel privileged.

3. We watch the silliest film, and D & John fire nerf guns at each other while we laugh at the insanity.

3BT – no coat/rants, walk/high fives, naughty nachos

1. I had expected bad weather today so it is especially pleasant to be able to go out without a coat. (I even had to stand in the shadow a little way down from the bus stop because it was too hot in the sun.)

1b. We’re a bit ranty at pottery but we laugh a lot through our anecdotes and anger.

2. A walk around the dappled woods.

2b. I am given permission to “high five TWO million angels” (rather than the usual one million) so I do, as we walk through the squeeze stile and under the boughs.

3. Naughty nachos, stacked high with beans, vegetables, chillis and oh so much melted cheese.

3BT – supports/potting on, changing of the guard, not today, surf’n’turf’n’earth

1. A spark of an idea and a little banging with a stand-in hammer, and suddenly my bean poles are much more secure.

1b. I become a potting-on machine – and there is just enough space in the trays for all the new plants.

1c. Lily grows bored of shepherding the chickens, so Tilda takes over.

2. I’m in too much of a good mood to listen to angry music.

3. A quick meal, full of delicious flavours and textures.