
3BT – Twister lollies, worked it out, throw it please

1. I would like to buy a giant – I mean, really ridiculously oversized giant – Toblerone for the person/people who decided to twist pineapple ice cream and lemon-lime fruit ice around a strawberry fruit ice core. Genius.

2. I turn my usual way of working on a stitching design on its head and it’s suddenly a lot easier. I can’t wait for the tapestry wool to arrive so I can bring it to life offscreen.

3. The neatly trimmed springer suddenly appears from the bushes behind the stream and drops a ball at John’s feet. It doesn’t seem to care that it’s never seen us before in its life, just wants the ball thrown. John complies and with a wagging tail, the dog goes after it, back over the stream and up the hill.

3BT – reprieve, straight in my head (for now), minimal

1. At midday, the seedlings are wilted, bent over and looking hopeless. A few hours later, after a little water and attention, they look as healthy as they’ve done.

2. I’m sure I won’t feel this way after I present it to the group but right now, I feel the work I’ve done today has put me on the right track and everything makes perfect sense.

3. This cross-stitch piece isn’t anywhere near as fun as the last embroidery piece I did and the finished design is a little fussy – but it looks beautifully stark and abstract at this point. I almost want to leave it as it is now.

3BT – super-soft, light (and doggies), shadow

1. Carla-cat is in a cuddly mood today. She sits on my knee while I read the newspaper over breakfast and I stroke her glossy fur.

2. The clean light on the new leaves. I stop on a rock and stare at the fresh beauty of the woods.

2b. When we meet the two blacks labs for the second time, I become completely smitten. Their smart blackness and quiet friendliness reminds me of our giant old cat, Carbon. Our fluffy, mucky dog seems like a complete goof in comparison – but of course, I’m smitten with her too anyway :)

3. The new clock casts a fantastic shadow in the late evening sunlight – a shadow that, like the clock itself, changes with the passing minutes.

3BT – contrast, play, progress

1. The contrast between the crunchy cereal pillows and the silky, cold milk.

2. Lily enjoys our both nostalgic and hyper-practical visit to Armley Park. It’s hard to say which was her favourite bit because her tail wagged hard throughout but I think our favourite bit was when she did her puppy-paws dance with the long dog. Their meeting should have gone badly – combining her anti-other-dog shyness with his bigness, strangeness and frankly his ‘his’ness – but instead she decided to play. They danced and she cut across his circle to keep up with his loops. Very cute.

3. The fiddly bits done, I make good progress on my long-stitching project – smooth strokes of blues and greys quickly fill the empty spaces: the lake, the fields and the mountains beyond.

3BT – my own time, HUM(our), sunlight dancing

1. I’m lucky that I can wake up in my own time nearly every morning but some mornings I’m more grateful than others. Today is one of them.

2. The RadMac show on 6Music runs a list of puns of things vaguely rhyming with ‘tune’: the ridiculousness of the suggestions gets me giggling almost instantly.

3. The soft sunlight – filtered through four layers of glass and shaped like an ancient rune – dances on ceiling.

3BT – watching him, watching us, still dusk

1. We drink our breakfast tea on the balcony and listening to the chickens buck-bucking below. I watch Boron do his rounds, checking on next door’s garden, and when I say his name, he looks up and slow-blinks at me.

2. Lily leans around the steps to look inside the shop, her mouth slightly open in excited anticipation of our return. By the time I step out the door, she’s stood up, tail wagging; the HEARTLESS ABANDONMENT of the previous few minutes forgotten.

3. The stillness of the evening. The silhouette of the oak tree against the fading light.