
Lily in the snow

Last week’s Tweets (up to 2010-11-28)

  • Trying to log out of Twitter and getting a 500 Internal Server Error. Is Twitter the new Hotel California? You can tweet anytime you like… #
  • An email came in from our accountant. "Ah!" I thought, "responding to that won't take more than two minutes." It took 3.5 hours. #
  • Have decided that I've had enough of people ripping off my websites' content. Anyone got any cease & desist templates/advice? #
  • Very tempted go visit Azeroth one last time before everything changes. If I can get a Windows machine, I might have a long weekend there… #
  • @IdleSi there are also some versions in Latin. #
  • Solved the Rubik's Magic thing again about five seconds after the Movie Thing team left. #
  • Drama classes finished for the term – just got to get them through the acting exams now. I think I'll be more nervous than them… #
  • Will most definitely be staying in bed as long as possible today. I planned ahead: have laptop, stack of work & mobile heaters (cats & dog). #
  • @Scampering funnily enough we've just watched the eggs-are-lizards epi of the Simpsons ( I'll get some gorillas ready. #
  • @Scampering oh yes, that's exactly what's going to happen to me later. I heart PBF too btw, all the different art work styles are great :) #
  • Just got back from our walk and the snow started again – pretty floating flakes but still quite heavy, awesome pink sky! #

Sky colours, the treat, waiting

1. In the horses’ field, I turn away from the racing cocker spaniel to look for our slower springer but instead I find my attention stolen by the sky: glowing pink clouds on dazzling blue.

2. She knows I have something in my pocket but she doesn’t know what it is yet. Her eyes widen as I slowly reveal the bone but she doesn’t move, not at first, not until it’s nearly all exposed and she knows it’s definitely for her. A gentle paw touch my leg as she asks for it.

3. The last Thursday of the month is Leeds Ruby Thing so an evening home alone for me and the animals. I distract myself with computer games but Lily watches patiently at the dining room door, waiting for him to come home.

3BT – poser, whuuschoom, snow-sense

1. The swan stand on the frozen canal, tall and proud, waiting for its photo to be taken.

2. The ice reverberates as the rock hits it. It sounds like electric power cables humming in the wind.

3. The instinctual knowledge is us all – knowing when it’s “too cold to snow” and to be able to recognise the colour of the sky, the quality of the light, just before the flakes start to fall.

Spot on, Stanislavski would be proud too, the Movie Thing

1. The perfect amount of brown sauce on a bacon buttie.

2. I like that I can satisfy their glances asking for reassurance. But I like it even more when they get so lost in the moment that they forget to look for me.

(2a. A silly one. I make a joke about “team Louisa” and the group take delight in the moniker. We have a hands-in-a-circle Team Louisa roar before heading into the performance space – which replaces their nerves with laughter.)

3. To come home to a house full of lovely, laughing geeks and a table full of pizza and treats.

Body clocks, always something new, just right

1. My phone battery dies overnight but our – and the animals’ – body clocks wake us right on time.

2. The bracken, brambles and balsam have died away to reveal new paths through the woods and fields. We walk them together, her tail spinning, my heels sinking into the leaf mulch.

3. I love homemade bread – the substance and process of it – but every now and then, a fluffy floury bun from the supermarket is the most divine thing in the world.