1. The allotment site is full of people: the sunny afternoon has brought us all out. I finally get to meet up with my plot neighbour again – I haven’t seen him since before I took the plot last July – and we catch up with changes we’ve seen taking place on each other’s plots. Everyone is generous with resources and laughter.

1b. The shears trim the path bald in next to no time.

1c. Clouds suddenly pull over and it looks like it’s going to throw it down. I rush home from the allotment and gather in the dry washing from the line. I wear socks like mittens to save the laundry from my dirty hands.

2. A good version of one of my favourite dinners.

3. Throwing stitches into the spaces. I’m always surprised how fast I can make granny squares.

3b. Lily stands on the sofa, her tail wagging, as she sniffs new arrival Strange.