1. Little M-dog has discovered that if her living room door is open onto the balcony, she can nip between the Lily-stopping divider to investigate our house. John comes downstairs from making tea followed by two dogs with tails wagging. Her visits are very cute.

1b. The pet food delivery arrives with (free) new toys for both the dog and the cats. Lily takes to her present instantly but it takes Strange a moment to catch the scent of the cat-nip in theirs. Later, when Kaufman gets it, we see his hunting behaviour in person: he takes the treasure away to savour it away from pesky humans (who have a habit of taking away his catches).

2. I listen to < href="https://soundcloud.com/inquiringminds/93-alvin-roth-the-new-economics-of-who-gets-whatand-why">a podcast about how markets work when money isn’t (or shouldn’t) be involved (using the examples of kidney donation, admission into medical training courses, and briefly at the end, congested markets like internet dating sites). It sounds like it’ll be a dry subject but I find it fascinating: it really tweaks the part of my brain that, when I was little, organised my toys into classes and designed working school timetables for them all.

3. R pops by and we decided there should be a postgraduate “Masters of None” qualification for generalists like us.

3b. The moor is busier than we thought it would be – everyone else had the same idea as us. But away from the car park, we find flat spot, throw down a blanket and some cushions, and watch fireballs (occasionally) blaze across the sky. The “ooohs” when we see one are involuntary.