1. After the dog walk and his (and the dog’s) shower, John arrives in the office with a pot of Earl Grey and our lovely cups: a new afternoon ritual.

2. A surprisingly simple and delicious dinner. I had been considering a naughty take-out but thought I’d be good instead – and I think the result was nicer than any food I could have delivered.

2b. (Speaking of deliveries.) The instant switch in Lily from asking “who’s at the door?! who’s at the door?!” to “oooooh!” when I walk into the room with our monthly meat box. I’m always popular with the animals when I unpack it too.

3. I usually avoid watching films of my favourite books because they rarely match up, but the film version of I Capture The Castle has been on my mind since my last re-read a few weeks ago. The story is butchered and a lot of the charm inevitably lost (poor Hel is sidelined, poor Ab completely absent!) but what is left is special too: Cassandra seems older and it becomes less of capturing the castle and more of a study in longing.