1. John’s sat on the balcony when I come down. I stand near him and watch the cats padding around the gardens below us. Eventually most of us go back inside and we have breakfast: when I call Tilda, she bounces the full length of the kitchen at top speed.

2. A series of puns using our favourite pun structure, bookended with even more stupid jokes. We had been a little grumpy when we left the house – a combination of circumstances and low blood sugar – but we’re light hearted again by the time we reach Morley.

3. We decide, as a group, we’re good at assembling spreads of food.

3b. A titter of appreciation from the other sofa.

3c. The man throws a ball and the little fat dog tries to run as fast as her long-legged sister.

3d. From a low angle, the colours are arranged just perfectly.