1. Green shoots poking up in our neighbour’s front garden. Later, I go down to the chickens and see we have our own signs of spring: three clumps of daffodils making themselves known.

2. It’s pouring with rain and there are 30mph winds but we check in on the allotments during our walk. (I’ve not been for about a month: I’m concerned both about weather damage and whether or not my broadies are growing, and maybe getting trapped under their soil-warming glass panes. There is only very minor damage and just one early rising broad bean was bent from hitting the glass.) With all the weeds having died back for winter, all the plots look neater and raring to go. I can’t wait to get started again either.

3. Sweet chunks of lamb and a fluffy white naan. And since we’re not bursting full at the end of the meal, we all have room for gelato around the corner too.

4. We’re all starting to get into the rhythm of the game and levelling up on our playing skills.

4b. We play with the cats while awaiting our turns. They dart around after the weighted thread, jumping up to catch high dangles and pouncing when it’s on the floor (and/or somebody’s foot).