3BT – tin loaf and butter, go go go!/soil, here I am

1. White tin loaf with a thin slick of butter: it always reminds me of childhood, specifically being at my grandparents’ house. (Though while they might have accompanied it with ham, I doubt they’d have used quite so much chilli jam.)

2. We take Lily on a woodland walk just after lunch but as her normal walk time comes around, she’s raring to go again: a walk to the allotment and a potter around the plot more than suffices.

2b. The soil is just about perfect – rich and full of humus. My runners should be very happy in there – and I design the space in such a way that I should get some lettuces underneath and a row or two of something else leafy in front as well.

3. We send pictures and real time maps back and forth as John’s bus brings him closer to home. We marvel at technology, so advanced yet it fits in our hands.

1 Comment

  1. message from above!

    jam, strawberry or raspberry. What is a chilli?

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