1. Tilda and I reach the dining room at just the same moment – she meows proudly at the bird in her mouth. I tell her we don’t like them catching birds and I see, when she drops it, that it’s still breathing: at least she could have put it out of its miser— oh! As I lean down to pick it up, it takes to the air, flying up the stairs into the bedroom. We (aided by Tilda) catch it again and release it in the garden.

2. Lily’s vet appointment is conveniently at the other branch – over in Shipley, where I had been planning to go afterwards anyway.

2b. Amongst other chores, I pop into Hive to pick up some pottery: there are the usual disappointments but two bowls have come out wonderfully – some of my favourite pieces to date – and a few of the little pendants are very pleasing too.

3. I make a good onion gravy for with dinner.