
Filters I’d like to see added into GIMP

stars_stars.pngI use GIMP every day. For those that don’t know, GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program – ie, the free software equivalent of Photoshop. I’m probably not supposed to call it that but meh.

I mostly use it for pretty basic things like cropping/resizing, sharpening and adjusting the colour levels on photos for use on the various websites I run. For doing that sort of thing, GIMP is pretty fantastic.

But work on pictures for Fametastic in particular has made me realise that as extensive as its filters are, it would be a lot more useful to me if the programmers added some additional features.

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Small packet. Small packet. Small packnet. Small parquet.

I’ve just written the phrase “small packet” 76 times in a row.

To avoid any unnecessary knocks to John’s self-esteem, I should really say it had nothing to do with him.

“I use my grand I.Q. to decide what color lip gloss to wear and how to hit three keggers before curfew”

The most difficult decision of the day: what should be the lead photo story of the day, David Beckham’s new haircut or Lindsay Lohan’s nipples?

My top ten quick and free (as in beer and freedom) games

neverball.pngI seem to have lost the ability to just browse the web. Aside from work-related ones and when I’m looking for something in particular, I generally only visit about half a dozen sites a day and I’ve got most of them in my live bookmarks. I OCD-style check the bookmarks quite a lot but when they’ve not updating, I can’t absentmindedly read Wikipedia or whatever like I used to. I find myself with a lot of dead five minutes where I don’t want to work but the thought of leaving the laptop world is scary (and also impossible due to the presence of multiple cats).

And that’s where my top ten quick and free (as in beer and freedom) games come in. They’re mostly simple puzzle games and I originally called this post “my top ten timewasting games” but John told me off – and he’s right. They’re not really timewasting because I use them in an almost meditative way: my conscious gets distracted by the pretty colours and my subconscious either enjoys the rest or goes to work thinking about lots of random things. Numerous bits of writing I’ve done over the last few months – including the general idea for this blog posting – were mentally drafted during some game play. That’s one of the reasons I’m posting this list – they help me a lot and they’re fun, and I want to give them a shout-out.

I play all these games on Ubuntu, hence the free as in beer and freedom thing. It rocks and so do they.

Anyway, on with the top ten:
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Recycle This in the Guardian too


Recycle This has really been popular this week – we’ve had links from loads of different blogs after a mention on treehugger and now the Guardian newspaper has mentioned us in an ethical editorial thingy too.

So to say it again, woo!

Recycle This was “loved” by the Times in 2006


Recycle This has had its second mention on the Times newspaper’s website, Times Online.

We got a link a couple of months ago on the site’s Eco-Worrier blog but I’ve just noticed that we got a link in their Newsdesk’s blog in their “The web we loved” round-up of their favourite sites in 2006 (in the environmental section) too.
