
Reducing your carbon footprint, geek style

Care of Planet Ubuntu-UK, I’ve just read Michael Wood‘s post about Bringing down your carbon footprint.

Leaving aside the “joke” one of our cats is called Carbon and I like his footprints, I thought the green-geek angle was interesting and have a few things to add to Michael’s suggestions. None of mine are particularly rocket science but as with the philosophy behind Recycle This, what is blindingly obvious common sense to one person is a revelation to another.

  1. Recycle computers and old computer equipment when you’re done with it. People like us of the geeky persuasion are usually upgrade well before the end of a computer/gadget’s lifespan but other people aren’t so insistent on everything loading instantly or having the latest graphics card/wobbly windows.

    If you don’t know anyone to pass it onto directly, find a company to do it for you – our local one in West Yorkshire is Airedale Computers in Castleford and last time we went, they took everything we had to offer from full PCs to random cables, cards and spare keyboards.

  2. Linked to that, computers that aren’t fast enough to run Vista will probably be still able to run Linux so forgetting all that hippy freedom nonsense, encourage people to make the switch for that reason.

    John switched his mum and dad onto Ubuntu last year because he was sick of having to fix their old, knackered Windows box. Their computer is running a lot faster now and since they only use it for basic things like web browsing, IM and word processing, they’ve not really had any problems. The only snag they’ve had is easy (without any help from us) photo printing – but photo management on their computer is a lot easier now.

  3. Where feasible, download software rather than sending for a CD. This is obviously pretty easy for FOSS users but I know people that have sent away for Ubuntu CDs for their one install and left them on the shelf since then.

  4. And related to that, use reusable media for storage where possible – USB keys over CDs etc etc. And as an extension of that, go for quality and a size that’ll last rather than replacing cheap stuff frequently.

  5. But if you’ve had to use a CD or if you’ve got some absolutely dead computer equipment, there’ll still be ways to reuse them if you think creatively enough. We’ve got a Technology category on Recycle This which includes loads of cool suggestions for bits of computer and AV tech. I’d like to do more posts on that sort of thing so if you’ve got any suggestions, please let me know :)

One of my main green issues is the amount of always-on computers we have in the house. In addition to the laptops John and I use throughout the day, we usually have a server (mail, internet gateway, media) and an second back-up server (for daily back-ups of the main one) running. I suspect the latter could be turned off more but the former is pretty much needed all the time (to maintain our IP etc). Perhaps we should hook up a pedal powered generator

Filters I’d like to see added into GIMP

stars_stars.pngI use GIMP every day. For those that don’t know, GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program – ie, the free software equivalent of Photoshop. I’m probably not supposed to call it that but meh.

I mostly use it for pretty basic things like cropping/resizing, sharpening and adjusting the colour levels on photos for use on the various websites I run. For doing that sort of thing, GIMP is pretty fantastic.

But work on pictures for Fametastic in particular has made me realise that as extensive as its filters are, it would be a lot more useful to me if the programmers added some additional features.

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My top ten quick and free (as in beer and freedom) games

neverball.pngI seem to have lost the ability to just browse the web. Aside from work-related ones and when I’m looking for something in particular, I generally only visit about half a dozen sites a day and I’ve got most of them in my live bookmarks. I OCD-style check the bookmarks quite a lot but when they’ve not updating, I can’t absentmindedly read Wikipedia or whatever like I used to. I find myself with a lot of dead five minutes where I don’t want to work but the thought of leaving the laptop world is scary (and also impossible due to the presence of multiple cats).

And that’s where my top ten quick and free (as in beer and freedom) games come in. They’re mostly simple puzzle games and I originally called this post “my top ten timewasting games” but John told me off – and he’s right. They’re not really timewasting because I use them in an almost meditative way: my conscious gets distracted by the pretty colours and my subconscious either enjoys the rest or goes to work thinking about lots of random things. Numerous bits of writing I’ve done over the last few months – including the general idea for this blog posting – were mentally drafted during some game play. That’s one of the reasons I’m posting this list – they help me a lot and they’re fun, and I want to give them a shout-out.

I play all these games on Ubuntu, hence the free as in beer and freedom thing. It rocks and so do they.

Anyway, on with the top ten:
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New design (kinda)

Just a quick note: I’ve been fiddling around with the layout and content of this site to make it more up-to-date (and easier to update in the future). Still tweaking the background stuff so it’ll work better in other browsers and haven’t got around to doing the theme for my blog yet so that’s why it doesn’t look the same. Well, “haven’t got around to” is wrong: I tried to change the layout of the blog to match the rest of the site but I got it seriously wrong twice then gave up. I shall return to it at some point. Maybe. I’ll also upload some more recent photos too (maybe).

In actual news, if you checked out the projects page, you’ll see all the fun things I’ve been up to lately. More musings on all that jazz to come at a later date but in the meantime, let’s just say things are going swimmingly and I’ve very happy with my life at the moment. :)

UPDATE: John fixed the blog stylesheet. He’s lovely. :)

Compost This

Compost this buttonRecycle This has spawned a side project – Compost This.

It answers those difficult composting dilemmas like whether you can compost eggs shells (yes, breaking them up first though help), or wee (yes, just don’t over-wet the pile), or bricks (not so much).

John coded the system it uses and I created the content.

It’s got over a hundred entries in the database so far – all the usual stuff – but we’ll add more as time goes one, particularly more specific plants and whatnot in the garden waste category.

LUGRadio Live 2006

Spent the weekend in Wolverhampton at LUGRadio Live 2006 with around 350-400 other people, which is quite a feat for an anti-social freak like me. John did a talk about the webcomic he writes (well, we write, he “draws” and pimps), Everybody Loves Eric Raymond and we also sold some of our ELER and Knuth tshirts thanks to Gareth on the FSFE stall. I mostly lingered and sweated.

As the official documenter of our trips, I’ve written up a detailed account of our trip (below).

As it is rather too detailed, as per usual, here’s a summary: hot, good food, clammy, nice people, sweaty, interesting talks, did I mention it was above average temperature?, RedHat flying disc, stupidly warm and stuffy, well worth going.

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