1. I hear my alarm but then still manage to drastically oversleep. Somehow (ie without seeing to the animals or having breakfast myself) I still make the bus.

1b. To have a good long session at the pottery studio – my first in a while. I learn two new decorative techniques, get up to date on my glazing (including trying two more new techniques), give my giant meeple a final tidy up and have a brainwave about how to enliven my basic little bowl.

2. John is leaving for his singing lesson just as I’m arriving home. He hands me the remaining half of his cup of tea.

3. The chickens have learnt the same tricks as the cats: to look pathetic and pretend they have no food in a bid to get treats. It only kinda works.

3b. “Kaufman’s down here and presenting himself for tickles,” John calls up. The little chap has been out on an adventure all day – neither of us have seen him since the night before – but he knew to come home just before dusk.