1. I measure my gardening time in podcasts: two extended In Our Time (on the Bluestockings and The Domesday Book) and a Discovery.

1b. Kaufman rolls around on the roof of the chickens’ nesting boxed. His fur crackled with static as I stroke him. In the distance, a woodpecker hammers at a tree.

1c. Everything repotted and refreshed.

2. The lighter evenings mean I don’t have to watch the clock. I have a good couple of hours digging and weeding at the allotment before John comes over and we take Lily to play in the park.

3. Finally untangling a giant knot.

3b. An instructional video suggests getting “a friend” to hold the threads under tension while they’re wound on to the back beam. Whenever I reach this stage of my warping, John declares “I’m a friend!” and jumps up to help. My favourite friend.