1. It’s disgustingly hot all day except for a thunder storm at lunchtime. I stand under the balcony and inhale the smell of the rain.

1b. The chickens stay out in the garden despite the rain but they look at me like the cats do, asking why I don’t make it stop. Later, when I go into the garden to put them away, two of the girls are near the greenhouse, pecking in my clutter and they look up with surprise.

1c. It’s too hot to catch things. Strange slacks off on the job: I find her lying on her side in the chicken’s run – maybe she goes things will run into her mouth.

2. We take Lily for a walk after dinner – once it’s a tiny bit cooler. The woods – which are usually humid – are surprisingly fresh. We walk down to the canal and watch the dancing bugs – hummingbird moths maybe – while Lily dunks in the water.

3. Another storm but this time electrical. Hardly any thunder but sheet flashes across the southern sky at regular, frequent intervals. It doesn’t look real.