1. It’s an afternoon of gardening accidents – first, I fall into some nettles and get stung in my armpit then I cut a chunk of skin out of my knuckle with the secateurs. The former has no redeeming qualities whatsoever but the latter has one beautiful quality: the brightness of the red blood seeping down all the lines in my skin, until the cut is the centre of an intricate scarlet web.

2. To realise the perfect spot for another fruit tree. It’s so perfect, I almost can’t wait until winter so I can plant one there.

2b. To finally get things that need planting out now – or rather a few weeks ago – in the ground. Some of the plants look a bit straggly at this stage but the sage in the new herb bed looks striking and strong, like it will hold its own even when the fresh green leaves of the rest of the bed vie for attention.

3. Lily bouncing through the long grass. It seems terribly inefficient and she can’t possibly see enough in each millisecond she’s above the grass to make it worthwhile, but it’s incredibly cute.

3b. She takes the treat with glee but doesn’t eat it – she couldn’t possibly enjoy it when one of the pack is missing. When he comes home, it disappears in minutes.