1. I stand on the path where it narrows and look down the steep slope over the area that reminds me of the Arctic “drunken forests” (here though, they’re spindly silver birch). I can hear traffic away in the distance but the woods above me and below, the valley beyond them, and the tree-covered hill to the north are all still.

1b. There are some little puffball mushrooms on the path. As they’re already detached from their colonies and well past their best, I think of Clare’s Alec and stomp on them.

2. I read about the probe landing on the comet with a sense of awe and wonder – I can’t imagine how much work went into even the smallest bit the mission and yet people came together to do it. It also reminds me of a thought I had on Sunday: my book referenced, in passing, the magnificence of the ISS and it truly dawned on me for the first time what an achievement that is. When we look up to see it streak across the sky, not only are people up there right now as it goes over our heads but it’s on such a large scale that we can see it from Earth with our naked eyes. I over-use the word ‘awesome’, but that really, really is awesome.

3. A well wound centre-pull yarn ball reminds me of a spirograph picture and this ball in particular reminds me of one drawn with a thick felt tip.