1. The chickens cluck softly, expressing their interest in the slightly past-it Shreddies I sprinkle over the ground.

1b. As I’m pinching out the growing tips of the chillis in the porch, Strange enters with a low meow, then another, then attaches herself to my leg. When she starts chewing at my calf, I realise I’ve been rubbing up next to catnip in the greenhouse.

2. The sleek grey cat runs along the path – it thinks everyone has left and the site belongs to him again. It stops when it sees me then continues on his path when he realises I’m a friendly human. I chat to him and distract Lily while he continues on his rounds across my plot.

2b. There are more tomatoes than I thought in the plastic greenhouse. And there are more courgettes ready to harvest too.

2c. Lily runs across the flat parkland in the evening sun. Above the path, near the goalposts, the clover flowers speckle the green. I stop, as I often do, to enjoy the longer view, of the hills in the distance.

3. Lamb and cauliflower cheese and roasted Mediterranean veg.