1. The books – to help me with my French – arrive at just the right time (ie before I get distracted by anything else): I spend the next couple of hours reading through them.

2. The chillis smell spicy rather than sweet: good.

2b. I prepare a few tubs of runner beans for the freezer – some sliced in tiny rounds for use in soups, others at the traditional longer length. I weed out the tougher beans to save their seeds: as previously, I’m amazed by their near neon pinkness – and vibrant purple flecks – they look they were the inspiration for a line of girls’ stationery in 1989.

3. The stitches on my Ann Perkins blanket look strangely well defined after a wash and a day on the line (I wonder if it’s that they’re usually fuzzy with animal fur).

3b. I make a new string bag. The cheap cotton I use is a little too thick for the job and prone to splitting but I like how quickly it works up.