1. Tilda and Strange investigate the garden together. I tell them to enjoy the sun, to make the most of it before winter. I wonder if they’re used to the cycles yet, if they know the cold is coming and that it’ll go away again at some point too.

2. I clumsily unpick the sentences to find their meaning. It’s slow going but my vocab list grows quickly. I reach a sentence I can read without looking anything up and it reminds me that progress is being made.

3. I get a phone call: John has lost his tiny quadcopter in the horses’ field – could I help him find it? I take Lily with me (which I think again confirms her suspicions that whenever John & I leave the house on our own, we’re just hanging out in the woods or the field – because where else is there to go?) and we stroll in the sunshine amongst the clumps of long grass and drying summer wildflowers. The tiny machine turns up, then John swoops it around us until the batteries run out.

4. I finally hit 1000 on BustAMove 2. I thought the score would roll over to 000 but it doesn’t. I like seeing all the numbers squeezed into the space designed for 2 or 3 max.