0. Last night, John had been umming and ahhing about whether to go to the office, and when I wake suddenly and can’t feel him beside me, I think I’ve overslept and he’s gone. Then, later, I wake again and he’s there, in bed beside me, and it’s not even time to get up yet (I just hadn’t reached far enough the first time).

1. The towels hang flat on the line. The duck egg blues and faded lime-yellows look fresh and spring-like.

2. While sorting though some old papers, I discover I’m living as my 11 year old self wanted. (This is nice, because so often I feel like I have let down my teenage self. Only the shocking low number of cats in our household – only three?! – would disappoint me in Year 7 and, to be frank, this disappoints me at 34 as well. We need more cats!)

3. It’s been a strange day – unpleasantly humid and marked with small but jarring happenings – but it ends well: actual comfort food (enchiladas) with comfort-food-esque entertainment (random episodes of 30 Rock).

3b. The bright halo around the moon.