1. The place we want to go for lunch had stopped selling food for the afternoon so we take a chance on the Italian deli instead. After the first couple of bites, we’re very glad our hand was forced.

1b. A crow lands on the car out front and caws at the traffic.

1c. We go back and forth over the weight of the olives but he gets the ham dead on first time.

1d. The citrus zest stops it bring cloying.

1e. Later, at home, I rest a piece of parma ham on my palm to warm it up then when it’s ready, I let it melt in my mouth.

2. Now the greenery had died back, I can see how the redcurrant bush had spread. As I step over the wall to look at it, I hear a meow from the path into the woods – then another calls back from the holly bush further up. Kaufman is with me and he watches Strange come from one direction and next door’s little girl from another.

3. Another self striping yarn, another set of lovely colours grouped on the bobbin.