1. Strange sits in the chicken run – sits perfectly still and relatively out of the way but it still worries the chickens. I remove her from the run and after a quick hug, she forgets her grumpiness to roll around in the sunshine. The chickens seem to recognise that the soft, silly kitty isn’t the threat they worried she was.

2. I’ve neglected the glass greenhouse at the plot thus far but today I fill it with grow bags. It suddenly bursts into productive busy-ness.

2b. The warmth of the soil from the plants in the plastic greenhouse.

2c. Lily’s eyes widen as I remove the Bonio from my pocket.

3. I listen to the This American Life radio drama episode (recorded last year but repeated as this week’s episode) while I’m at the plot and enjoy it so much that when I get home, I buy the video of it to watch with John. When I see the movement, I’m amazed by the stamina of the performers and the songs stay in my head for an almost infuriatingly long time.