1. Perfectly timed buses – the longest wait I have all day is just one minute.

2. Walking up a street I usually walk down: on the one hand, ugh a steep hill but on the other, seeing buildings from the opposite direct and getting a proper idea of shape of them and the landscape for the first time.

3. Inspiring small pieces of artwork everywhere I look around the vast shop.

3b. The undyed aisle provides relief from the unrelenting colour assault – muted ones, bright ones, blends… But even there, there is such variety in texture and display that it’s almost overwhelming.

4. An evening in Alterac Valley (a World of Warcraft PvP zone). AV is my favourite battleground and it used to be the bg place to be, but more exciting additions have robbed it of its former glory. This weekend though everyone is playing it again, just like back in the day. I play countless matches and unusually for our side, we win most of them. Some of them we blitz (finish in less than 6minutes), some are drawn out affairs (the longest lasted about an hour) but all are fun.