1. I notice Kaufman watching the washing machine go around and around. He’s in profile but I can tell by his pose that he’s pulling a derpy face. When he starts to chasing something behind the glass, I laugh and laugh.

1b. We open the gate for just a moment but it is long enough for the dogs to swap gardens.

2. I pop over to the allotment for a few hours. I weed and dig: not exactly fun tasks but made all the more enjoyable with a interesting podcast and some warm evening sunshine.

2b. On the way over, our friend R grabs me to show off his fantastic summer squashes – I accept the offer of saved seeds for next year – and one of his neighbours introduces herself, and we chat about what a wonderfully little community we have on our streets.

2c. The park is busy – the bowling club is packed, the basketball court a whizz of energy and happy dogs run back and forth on the grass catching balls. (Even our happy dog runs about a bit and she smells ALL THE THINGS.)

3. I’ve been plodding away on a crochet blanket that’s turned out to be more fiddly than I’d like. Yesterday, I finally realised that since I’m not enjoying it, I should put it to one side for now and remember how much fun crochet can be. I whip up some stripes squares before bedtime: I’ll use them to learn some new (carrying yarn/joining as I go) skills.