1. The bread is white nonsense – but good, tasty white nonsense – and the bacon a touch too crispy but together, they make the best bacon butty in the world.

2. I conjure up jobs to do at the allotment (there is always stuff that needs doing just nothing desperately immediate) to pass the time so that I can listen to more of the podcast.

2b. Laughing as I walk around the park.

2c. I’m so distracted by the smell of the Chinese takeout place that I don’t even stop to talk to a cat: A CAT! I curse myself, yet again, for not having any money on me.

3. As soon as I touch the clay, it’s like a spell has been cast on me. I can’t stop touching it. I’ll shape one more pot, just one more, I keep telling myself, until all the pots are done.

4. The finished scarf rolled up = deliciously colourful squishiness!