1. It’s ridiculously early but ridiculously sunny and beautiful out of the window. I’m almost not annoyed that I can’t sleep. *Almost*.

1b. Lily won’t look at me, then I realise she is – via the mirror. Mirror-Louisa taps the bed and she jumps up.

2. My mega Meeple isn’t quite perfect but I still like him a lot. In the end, after much frustrating experimentation, I’m glad that I abandoned my original plan of a uniform colour: one mistake in a uniform glaze ruins it; a large issue with the dappled glaze almost enhances it.

2b. The crowd isn’t right for the joke I want to make about the cylinder of deep green clay but I tickle myself with Hulk penis silliness anyway.

2c. Finding the right texture eventually.

3. I try to describe how gorgeous Lily looks on the top of the hill in the sunshine but before I can manage it, she’s off again into the deers’ meadow and – oh! disturbs a sleeping deer! She doesn’t notice as it stands up and makes it away down the scrub at the side of the glade.