1. I know it’s harder to clean windows in the sunshine but the rainbows in the sprintzed water are just about worth it.

2. For the second time in a few days, a Twitter exchange really tickles me – not only because it’s funny but with the confidence it is started and structured, so it builds in humour with (presumably predicted) interaction. It tickles me on many levels.

3. The proof will, of course, be in the pudding vegetables, but I’m really happy with how my allotment has been going over the last few weeks. I’m finally able to transplant everything I’ve been growing at home and my “decision” to plant stuff creatively rather than in monoculture rows has meant it looks interesting as well as providing more output from the space (well that’s the hope). Today I planted out the lettuces that will grow in the shade of my peas, and the beans which will provide nitrogen bursts for broccoli raab and swiss chard.

3b. A carrier bag had landed on my compost heap – I’d seen it yesterday and assumed it was rubbish thrown from the footapth – but today, a passerby gets my attention and tells me he threw it over: it’s filled with leek and onion sets, his spares. He said he’s rather someone use them than let them go to waste; I promise him they will be used.

3c. Three clouds in the same shape over the forthcoming train station.

4. I think Lily standing on the armchair is the cutest thing that’s happened in ages, until she sits down, facing the back of the chair, her tail wagging over the ages: cutest thing ever.