1. Yesterday, we’d tried watching the 2009 miniseries of Day of the Triffids but had to give up because it was so poorly done. Today, we watch the first two episodes of the 1981 series – it’s a lot slower, the actor playing Bill is nerdier and less brooding, and the budget was clearly much, much smaller – but it grips us from start. The eerily menacing mood works a lot better than flash action.

2. The woods are misty and quiet – we don’t see anyone else until the very end of the walk and even the birds are hushed by the dampness. (I keep an eye out for triffids.)

3. We have slow roasted chicken for dinner. As with all slow cooked things, it feels like an awful lot of build up but my, it’s tasty.

4. I realise that my stripey blanket is finally approaching a square. Two more stripes – mimicking the first two – to finish it off and it’s done. (Or rather, the body is done: I then need to tidy up all the ends and hook a border.)