1. We have builders in the house – fixing the leak from Friday amongst other things – but I’m not feeling up to chatting to people. I’m grateful that I can disappear into the garden and that our house has different doors on different levels so that I can make exits and avoid certain passages when necessary.

1b. Lily is a little overwhelmed by the people clearly only here to see her and so doesn’t notice another one arrive: John’s dad, her Pop-pops. I lead her out to see him and she circles him, tail wagging, holding a shoe: the traditional springer welcome dance.

2. I watch Blacksy the chicken building herself a nest behind the blackcurrant bushes and pass her leaves and twigs to use in its construction. A little while later, I spy an egg in the undergrowth.

3. I’m a bit heavy handed and suspect the irises will suffer this year because of it, and everything has to spread out a bit before they look properly finished, but otherwise I’m happy with refreshed planters in the front garden. It’s nearly all perennials now too.