1. My glass of water is the good kind of cold.

1b. The soft light of morning.

1c. A trio of ducks visit – do they want a cup of tea too? I open the bedroom curtains just as one of them walks along the side of the boat. A few minutes later, a boat passes with a man feeding a duck on its bow.

1d. A bird of prey catches its breakfast as we make ours.

2. The sailboats are pretty – but stress inducing – as we come through Horning.

2b. Traditional houses in black and thatch, stylish new additions and ever so cute ones in pastel shades.

3. To find another quiet haven. (This time, Salhouse Broad.)

3b. A walk through the edge of the village in the sunshine; a change of plan when we find somewhere that meets our needs – they have good local meat and will even makes us sandwiches.

3c. John has a decent flat white and an “artisanal tropical donut’ at a post office in a small village. My lemon cake is also good.

3d. A watchful heron.

3e. The collective sigh of relief when the hen party boats leave the broad.

3f. With a water standpipe nearby, we both take the opportunity to have showers – it’s a better experience than we thought it would be.

4. The pub is a good way up the road (again, it feels quicker coming back) but it’s a lovely spring evening so we enjoy the walk.

4b. Good – if not brilliant – food and free wife distracts us from our games.

4c. We surprise a duck on the way back to the boat.

4d. Spared from traffic and chugging engines for a few hours, the broad becomes glassily still.